Spending Planner


Up until recently there was a gaping hole between Financial Counselling and Financial Planning that meant a huge proportion of Aussies would say, in spite of earning a reasonable income they were left struggling, living from pay to pay, going nowhere with no profession focussed solely on teaching them how to create a sustainable lifestyle and how to break out of the money-stress cycle that has them trapped.

Spending Planning is the new industry showing clients how to quickly create a roadmap for an exciting and sustainable lifestyle with a secure financial future to look forward to.

Spending Planners provide:

  • A range of short and long-term programs designed to teach people how to manage their day to day finances so they can see a way forward to home ownership, investing and even retirement planning.
  • Training and education in a unique software budgeting system and an 8 Step Process that has helped over 30,000 people take control of their day to day finances.
  • A personalised Spending Plan, tailored to our client’s needs, which takes into account a comprehensive list of regular household expenses, along with long term and emergency savings.
  • A tangible plan to eliminate debt and stop using credit for good.
  • Regular support sessions to ensure our clients are on track to achieving their future goals.
  • Integrity, honesty, and confidentiality along with an ‘over and above’ attitude toward our client needs.

Spending Planners work in conjunction with other Finance Professionals to ensure the very best outcome for our client’s current and future financial needs.

Spending Planners do not give financial advice. Rather, we are trained and certified by the Spending Planners Institute to provide financial education and to simply teach our clients how to organise and manage their day to day finances and move forward in their financial journey.

For more information, please contact Carolyn Moes:

Mobile 0433 943 408

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.carolynmoescsp.com.au